3 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A55d5dhsReg imagine they're making females wear 'tamed' clothing in schools because some men can't keep their eyes to themselves and us female born people have to pay for it. they should just have people listen to this song...


"Our minds are worth their weight in gold."

sorry if im posting this in a lot of communities i just think that everyone should hear this song male, female, or neither no one is a toy or a wallet or just someone to be used, were human not robots we have feelings, emotions, and trauma. Women aren't the only victims of sexual assault men are too.

AJ out



Next up

alright humans have made this a t r e n d now

I need mental help my doodles are the weirdest things

🏳️‍🌈 Pride Month is Coming Soon! 🏳️‍🌈

Show your pride by completing Pride Month quests and spend Joltbux to support The Trevor Project's mission to help LGBTQ+ youth!

Everything starts on June 1st!

This is my pfp if u were wondering



So Hikaru and Natsu have the same English dub right? And Hikaru dyes his hair pink in the anime/manga ep. 5. I t s H a p p e n i n g !!!!!!!

What should his name be?

im sorry but