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Old Romer from "Fun Times at Homer's 2"
+ - a month ago someone asked to do this. A little late) Made entirely of plasticine and varnished
bruh. why does it look like a zombie to me?))
Made New Homer from "Fun Times at Homer's 2"
Homer made of plasticine, and for shine coated with clear varnish
Happy 10 years of Five Nights at Sonic’s
uh... it was hard .__.
welp since creepy left the game's development now @ColdSky0 is helping with the coding and @SherryZMax
will be helping as well
Photo-Negative Mickey costume from plasticine
Wait... what's happening?
I had nothing to do and I decided to draw Ennard. Why not. It seems to me that this is my most beautiful drawing based on fnaf, which I drew for all the time :3