1 month ago

Happy 10 years of Five Nights at Sonic’s

RHard to believe it’s been 10 years already. I remember watching videos of extras and Jumpscare compilations back when only the first 5 games were made, then I completely forgot about it until 2020 hit and I was reintroduced to the series. That series took my life when I was down on a major turn and got me thinking and working on crazy ideas and drawings that would eventually become my first AU. Then it wasn’t until 2021 when I truly got involved with the community and from there on, one thing led to another and pretty soon I would be helping out with numerous projects that other people have worked on over the years, even eventually getting to be an artist for the official updates of the series!

It’s still hard to believe that all of this and more happened over the past few years, and despite numerous pitfalls and setbacks and overall disappointments, I honestly would not know where I’d be if I never came back to this series. I would honestly not trade a single moment of the last 4 years I’ve been in FNaS for anything.

Lastly, I want to give a shoutout to several people that I’ve had the pleasure of meeting throughout the years and who’ve all inspired me to keep going in some way:

@DumbGreenlight , @Lustre , @NowhereBunny , @Deinting , @BunnyKid_aka_CosmicKid , @BagelGabel , @Volteon_K , @superkirbyjs , @MoleyMSPAINT , @fishtunafish , @Kimiri , @ColdSky0 , @Meisa_TheMan , @therealcreepy , @TheRedjv , @the_ayumi , @MrGen , @CrazyChan4080 , @CoryTheHedgehog , @SwitchBump__ , @CwoodsWDCchannel , @Frosti_Arts , @cOo_hOo1 , @Ecoripa , @Phantomtails2589 , @DrGoldenDev , @Villca_Toons , @PiraT5 , & @GoldenTime1983

Thank you guys and many more for everything over the past 4 years. Your work has, is and will continue to inspire me to keep going despite the struggles and challenges we face. Thanks for the work you’ve made, the opportunities you gave, and I’ll try not to take it for granted.

Lastly, I want to shoutout ShadedSunrose. Your time when it came to helping handle the official series may have been cut short, but I want to let you know that you were one of the best people I ever had the pleasure to work with because you put your heart and soul into what you did. And even though you may not come back to the series anytime soon, I hope you continue to put as much passion and heart into whatever you decide to make next. And that goes for everyone that I’ve met, worked, chatted, and hung out with over the past 4 years who’ve now moved on from the series, I wish you luck in your future endeavors!

Thank you everyone once again for supporting my journey, for giving me many new opportunities that I wouldn’t have even dreamed about 10 years ago and for making this insane, once in a lifetime ride… Worthwile! And I’ll see ya, whenever I see ya!

Goodbye and Thank You,




Next up

Happy Pride Month Everyone!

#Pridemonth #Pride2024

#MostFearedMob Definitely the Warden

#MinecraftBuild a House and farm I made in survival, not much but it’s home

#fnafart decided to draw Freddy Fazbear himself for his birthday!

#howifoundfnaf I actually found the game on the App Store when I was just a little kid, never downloaded it nor looked into it until a while later though

Happy 10th Anniversary, Five Nights at Sonic's 🥳 🎉

FNaS means so much for other people despite it's quality, I feel like it should be treated with celebration just like the other parody games. This is a repost for other communities #FanArtFriday

PSA Regarding my work

welp since creepy left the game's development now @ColdSky0 is helping with the coding and @SherryZMax will be helping as well

Endless Foresight

Follow me, We are Children of the Machine

Barely Human in a City Built on Broken Dreams

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes

Wait... what's happening?

Happy birthday to me