Inspector Waffles
6 years ago

October update : 4.0 version, interview and showcase !


Inspector Waffles 4.0 is out !

New inventory, 16:9 resolutions and interogation room … all of the features from my previous post have been released​.
I’ve updated the screenshots with this new resolution / I’ve replaced the old screenshots with new ones having a better resolution, and it honestly feels good to see my game in widescreen. I still don’t understand why I made this choice in the first place.


I’ve also changed my mind about the 4.0 version : it doesn’t contain any new scenes, but I thought sharing a version with this new resolution was already a great improvement.

GOFIG Interview

​I recently did an interview with GOFIG News : you can found it here​, they did a fantastic job, don’t hesitate to have a look if you want to know more about me :)

Showcase, conventions

I did my first showcase a couple of days ago, it was an amazing experience. It was organized by Indie Game Factory in Bordeaux.
I watched unknown people playing Inspector Waffles, it was really a stressful experience at first, but fortunately feedbacks were really positive. That was a huge boost to my motivation, to be honest.
Some feedbacks helped to add new features on the 4.0 version (like the info when you are hovering an item from your inventory).



I also went to Animasia in Bordeaux and Indiecade Europe in Paris, where I met a lot of great people. I hope next time I’ll be the one to showcase Inspector Waffles :)

Next steps

I’m currently working on the next scenes of the adventure. I mainly do art and text now, so it should speed up. I’m also working on my other game, Antenna Dilemma. I hope to have something new to show soon :)

Let’s stay connected !

Website :

Twitter : golosogames

Discord : Goloso Games



Next up

Inspector Waffles doesn't have to go it alone. Unfortunately, his help comes in the feline embodient of the Peter principle: Patches, the gluttonous chief. 🥤


A solved case is Inspector Waffles' bread and butter! ;)

Is Inspector Waffles in the bar, trying to drown his sorrows in a glass of milk?🥛

Wishlist: 🕵️📝

Release date announcement + sidequest game!

Another new location, and one of the 50 unique scenes (already!) where you can go with #InspectorWaffles. Does he has enough time to go drinking another glass of milk?


If you played Inspector Waffles demo, you could find out where this new scene takes place!

Wishlist on Steam:

Working on some new text effects in the dialog box... What do you think? :)

Join us on discord:


Let's start the week with a new announcement: Goloso Games has a new main logo!

Inspector Waffles is now out on Gamejolt! 

Foul play has gone down in Cat Town. Grab a glass of cold, hard milk and prepare to get your paws dirty. 🐱 🕵️

Who is going to win the election? 🐱