
Another new location, and one of the 50 unique scenes (already!) where you can go with #InspectorWaffles. Does he has enough time to go drinking another glass of milk?


In #InspectorWaffles, you will find some tributes and cameos from movies and adventure games I like😊

Can you find a tribute to a famous point-and-click game in this GIF? Same game, but a couple of references🔍

Wishlist on Steam:

I've just received the last Wireframe issue, featuring #InspectorWaffles. What a pleasant way to start this new week! :)

if you are interested in reading the interview, you can download the pdf version for free here:

#InspectorWaffles has been warmed: sometimes, curiosity killed the cat!

Do you think like #InspectorWaffles we only live nine times? ;)