Weird, Funny & Cool Japanese Commercials #3
Sit back, relax and watch 10 minutes of the best Japanese Commercials ~← Previous:→ Next:★ Channels...



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Rizumu Tsukino(Birth Name: Grace Francisca)🦊🦦

Submitted by @CathMagicPenguinMobius05

@KingJolt64 's other villainous counterpart👾

This picture was requested by @KingJolt64

Lightsaber Duel!



May the 4th be with you‼

Got bored and decided to draw bulbasaur :3 (he is my favourite starter)

I have been listening to Pokedance for what feels like an eternity and I am not bored yet

How about a crossover game between Sonic the Hedgehog and Jet Set Radio? Sega, make it happen.


porygon2! also, i made such a cute sticker pack design for may. i'm excited to post it on may 1st!

As much as I love playing on my PS5 and Nintendo Switch, the Wii will always hold a special place in my heart.


I can't quite remember exactly how I said #HelloThere to Star Wars for the first time. However, the earliest memory I can think of was playing Star Wars Trilogy Arcade at Chuck E. Cheese.

Here's flappy bird but with Pokemon

My favorite #StarWarsGame is Disney Infinity 3.0!