Japanese Commercials #1
New Year, new Japanese Commercial video series! This video is not monetized with ads, so if you fancy supporting the channel and want to see videos early bec...



Next up

Got bored and decided to draw bulbasaur :3 (he is my favourite starter)

I have been listening to Pokedance for what feels like an eternity and I am not bored yet

porygon2! also, i made such a cute sticker pack design for may. i'm excited to post it on may 1st!

Rizumu Tsukino(Birth Name: Grace Francisca)🦊🦦

Submitted by @CathMagicPenguinMobius05

Here's flappy bird but with Pokemon

How about a crossover game between Sonic the Hedgehog and Jet Set Radio? Sega, make it happen.
