진화한 쪼꼬미들
소맥거핀 스튜디오!소맥거핀, 찬스, 디누, 빨강줄, 려무, 데미, 김말리🎵Music provided by 브금대통령🎵Track : 마마무마마 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOJBLHZUeVM#소맥거핀 #애니메이션 #일상

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"If your a king is piggy set in the United kingd-"

"HES A DICK" - 🐙🦑🖼

"My lawyer told me not to talk about that" - 🧽🍔

This got taken down from my youtube

WOWWZA ART CONTEST! THE SEQUEL! (Read bellow for more info)

Saw this in a pghlfilms phase 2 comparison. The other one had no lyrics. So here's Mr RUN Computet

Familiar tune

Got bored so did Pynx

(Still learning on shading and depth)

"DICKHEAD" - ⭐️🪨🐟