Post some stuff!

Now that's just racist

How people felt when they say there homophobic/transphobic and anti furries:

Why is the mobile so cold

EVERBODY report @FNFFan2012

he is harrasment and sexual treath @BlixerTheGamerJolter-Official

Happy new year everyone!

Welcome to the BlixerTheGamer Community (Offical) community on Game Jolt!


In this community you can do whatever you want!

(This re-uploaded because someone reported the community)


  • Send your post, games, arts, memes

  • Talking about what coming on the future

  • FNF, SM64 other games

Now to the rules!

1 - You Need to 10 or 99+ years to join this community

2 - No NSFW/ Inappropriate stuff

3 - Do not be so Annoying

4 - No Haters

5 - If is Artymik bullsbit then is not allowed

6 - No Mockers allowed (That means is that one boyfriend which is gray and a dragon cat)

Enjoy this community!!


(And also i admit my wrongdoings)

One last warning.

Don't trust the 2 mockers Guga and Colder. They are ruining my other friends lifes and me

Report A community for over 1 year