UNDERTALE: The Final Run
2 years ago

July-November Devlog!

New maps, new enemies rise, old enemies return!

Reworked sprites, art, music, OST VIDEO and overworld!

All of this, discussed down below!

[UT: TFR- Chapter 1] - Menu (by Plawerin)
UNDERTALE | The Final Run | By Team FR- by Plawerin -----------------------...

So, what’s up?

We’ve been busy, as you can tell. Sorry for being so awfully silent, because we had some drop in the motivation for a while, but then some new coders joined the team and we had that spark back to continue and develop the first chapter of this fangame! We assure you, the next Devlog will have even more to show, but I think we have a respectable amount of content here and now to showcase!

The ruins

Wait… We DID say there is going to be another area that will replace the ruins. Well, that plan did NOT change in fact, but the classic ruins will make a reworked and brief appearance into the world of Final Run as an introduction for the game. You will have to remember an old trick, the old paths… and your old pal’, Flowey.


Ruined bunker

This newest area of UT:TFR has been by far reworked the most amount of times to get to this point. First, the overworld sprites didn’t match. Then, we scrapped the overworld engine. Now, after a lot of updated to the tile sets, finally, progress is going smoothly! We have about 40% of the area done with collision, and dialogues that we have not just set for the sake of not leaking any important spoilers for the plot and the mystery of the area. But what we can show, are some screenshots:


XP grinding system

We’re sorry to disappoint, but this Devlog is mostly focused on the progress on the assets, and less about the actual battles. Still, we have set up some of the mini bosses with placeholder attacks for now. I assure you, they will have some new tricks up their sleave, with their remastered appearance, and updated attacks. Still, we are going to upload previews of the grinding system on this week on our Youtube channel, so stay tuned and maybe subscribe so you won’t miss it 😊


Main battles

As we said, this Devlog is mostly about the background work that has been done for the game. Yet, we have found some little time to update some of papyrus’s attacks to the newest battle engine that Final Run will use. Sadly, you will have to wait a bit for more toriel content… ☹

(We will update this devlog once some of the showcase videos are up on YouTube!)


We have decided to boost our community’s morale by releasing 3 new soundtracks that will be used for chapter 1: the menu theme by Plawerin, “Mother's Fragility” by Snowy and “Ashes to Ashes” by Hant147. You can listen to these awesome songs on our official SoundCloud page!

(We will also release on separate accounts of each of the musicians some scrapped music that didn’t make it into the final cut. Still, they are awesome and you should check them out!)


Another thing we have worked on is sprites. We have done tremendous updated to the design of each and every character in Final Run, and tried to do the best work in portraying them in the way that fits both the character and the unique story they bring to the table this time. As you saw, toriel and papyrus got a complete redesign, but we are looking forward to update those 2 sheets EVEN MORE in the future to make them perfect, and add them more expressions and changes.


We have some new art work! New Icon for the game window by Point :


And a new art for the discord server and the SoundCloud page by Apricoska!

Thanks a lot guys!


New ost video!

The menu theme that has been uploaded to our SoundCloud page has been released to the YouTube page as an animated Ost video! Made by our amazing video editor Danhx!


End of Devlog

Well, we have once again reached the end of the Devlog. I know you have been expecting a lot more, like some Snowdin leaks, but for now, we are just no there. We take our time not to stress about anything, and to stand up from the previous mistakes we've made with the demo. For now, stay tuned, and join our discord server for more upcoming "leaks" and cool stuff! (We post more there than in here lol)



Next up

Undertale: The Final Run - Chapter 1

February 2024 update

Yo. This account officially exists for a year now. Wowie, we should celebrate that somehow. How about Tuesday? with a new devlog? We are very excited to show you what we've been working on. Join the discord server for previews:


Hi there! It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?

We’re excited to finally bring you all some news about Final Run. We have a lot of new ground to cover, so strap in and prepare yourselves for some exciting news!

some various UTY fanart! i'm using my fan redesigns i made a while back. (please don't be so harsh on dalv...) love u UTY!!!

Undertale: The Final Run- chapter 1's first ever devlog is here!

An XP grinding system, 2 previews of the main battles, new engines, remade story, original tracks and OST video!

Now, let's dive in!

Deltarune: Shamrock

Ah yes, we're still pretty much alive and well. About that devlog- it's coming...

rumors say pepsicat has regained his motivation so you may expect it to be out soon. For now, join the discord server for more previews:

The Murder Sans rework

the last figure based on it was made a year ago, it's crazy

Successful landing


Another house i made long time ago.