Very happy to see we reached 300 followers and for that I plan to hopefully show a menu preview in action from ingame, don't have it coded yet but basically all of the assets for the menu are done for it, for now enjoy this mockup of the character selection screen and a little info about a game mechanic called "Hints!" below, also sadly I wont be able to get a Freddy demo out this month I didn't realize how much testing and sprites I'd have to make for his minigame compared to everyone else's as his takes place on the entirety of the Old Timer's 1984 Pizzeria Location's map (as shown in a previous devlog).
HINTS: Hints are a thing that'll appear if you fail at a character's minigame they'll appear after the game over screen before restarting the minigame and give you hints as to why you failed, our lovely artist @r3dh3d is the one making these hints so send some love their way. If you don't want to use hints in the game you can disable them in options if you want to.
On a side note uploaded more images onto the page and a new music track.