Bucket Head (By @iWantSoMuchGames. Me) watching paranormal videos, getting a bit scared
Denny (By @1105dxnnyy-Purnell___ ) about to scare Bucket Head
Eternal (By @Smasher_Eternal) looking at your soul
??? (By @Pollo_asado-jaja ) waving
Ricky (By @RCKSTRFeddy1) looking at Eternal, wondering what he's doing
Cononito (By @ignaxe2) also looking at Eternal
??? (By @pokemonvale) hanging on the ceiling
A freakin' cyan Tails xdXdxdXDxdX (sorry, i had to say that xD. By @Angel-the-cyan-kitsune ) waving, too
Pancracio (By @Decidin ) hanging on the ceiling, too... and waving
Goldy (By @Santi_N5 )... this is the 4th one waving :v