Five Nights at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover

9 days ago

i am definitely a ghost delivering a message on fruppet's behalf. i have come to tell you that fruppet isn't being lazy and not making his games.

whenever he has free time he's doing small work. he's just finished another characters ai.

ooga booga.

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The Buu Saga Sucked. But Dragon Ball probably would be less popular without it.

Five Nights at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover Devlog #1: Forgotten

I swear to Entity 01 if I reset progress on this one more fricking time-



Can you believe it?

OK. Now the game is available to play. Any bugs, just report them here, etc. etc.

I finished off those small details and such. I even actually bug tested the game. All the achievements are obtainable, all the nights are playable.

As said, Phone Calls aren't in, but I'll be leaving a little note thing in the game for yall.

It's time.

Okay, the game hasn't been immediately worsened by the fact there was like countless bugs. There was only one bug that I didn't know. Doin' better than Time Shift's release day, hell yeag

As a birthday gift from me to you, here is the true final gameplay loop for the Main Mode of the game. Don't mind the time in the top left btw, I was just ensuring everything worked before I recorded this.

School started up for me recently, so I won't be making as much progress on this or Relived Damnation. But, I have actually started work on Dementaphobia Dangers and half of it's gameplay.

Out of interest, anyone find the layout of it... familiar?

Five Night's at Wario's: Mcroy Manor Takeover

(The Real) Devlog #1