2 months ago

"i am greenmen. I live in a green house. In greenvile, Gashington"



Next up

1. Biscuits are ass pal, get in uniform and eat potatoes.

2. Based skater?


thinkin of a title of this or something.

1. Pal, calm down and smoke a joint, it's just biscuits.

2. The biscuit army is weak. The potato army is better. Simple.


Mr Crowbar Man

1. Nah. Your gonna starve while watchin that movie fuck you mate.

2. D E F E N D.


Drew Gordon Freeman! :D

alright, about the whole blade and nic drama. Simply. Blade should've accepted the block.

1. Why do y'all explode on my roof.

2. No buts, no nuts, no coconuts pal. Simple.


Drew glados and wheately in chalk(or at least tried to, I didn't have a lot of colors or time)

something, something, sniper voice line