2 years ago

I am making a FNaF fangame idea, but idk what the animatronics should be :]
read the article to get a feel for what the game will be like then suggest what the animatronics should be in the comments, thanks!

Sry if I spelled something wrong, and some things might change in the future


\\ DOORS // - You can only close one door

at a time, using something somewhat like

the FNaF 4 idea for doors where you have

to run up to them

Use doors to prevent the "monsters" from getting

you and ending your night

\\ MUSIC BOX // - Rewind the music box to prevent

the puppet from getting you and lowering your sanity

by a large amount

however, rewinding the music box will slowly deplete

your sanity too, not as much as if puppet gets out


\\ FLASHLIGHT // - use your flashlight to check your

surroundings incase unwanted guests get in your

room and proceed to flicker the light if you see


Using the flashlight is one of the only way of

raising your sanity along with getting rid

of the unwanted guests

Your flashlight has a battery, once this current

one runs out, you must get the spare battery to

continue using your flashlight [this is GAURENTEED

to happen at certain nights]


\\ SANITY // - Sanity is what keeps you going,

without it you will start to see things until you

go crazy and your night ends

Sanity can be depleted in various ways such as:

- Winding up the music box

- getting jumped by Hallucinations

- not checking your environment often [w flashlight]

- looking at Hallucinations

But it can also be regained too, by things like:

- checking your environment [w flashlight]

- avoiding Hallucinations

- closing the doors [the more doors closed give you back more sanity]

- getting rid of any type of monster

\ HOW SANITY WORKS / - Sanity will deplete

even if your not doing anything, you are in total

darkness and get more and more insecurity down in the


The farther and farther you progress in the week the

more sanity you lose in everything

In addition to this, the lower sanity you have will

effect the sanity you already lose, the lower the sanity

you have, the more you lose


\\ NOTES // - monsters are seperated in 2 catagories,

lethal, and Hallucinations

Lethal monsters are able to kill you and end your

night if you fail to get rid of them before they

get in your room

Hallucinations will decrease your sanity if they

get in your room and jump you, the night your

on and how much sanity you have when they jump you

will change how much they deplete





Next up

Dunkin is tweakin

A friend made this for me, it’s a cotton pad flower



Bad New Years, fuck all of you (/j HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS!!)

Y do I keep grtting furri fstuff on my fyp @gamejolt ples fix dis πŸ˜­πŸ™

(im not a furry)

Do not give attention to @Cuty_pie Just report and block them and then move on, she's just a thirsty attention seeker

Rat Race Production Update

Fisch Update shitty walkthrough (this may not be up to date in future updates)