Five Nights at Kirby's

18 days ago

i apologize for the lack of updates lately, i've been super busy with stuff not pertaining to the game. i plan to make some big reveals very soon though, so keep an eye out! just wanted to make sure no one thought i died or something like that.

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fun fact! i have over a gigabyte of beta builds of fnak. pretty crazy, right? also BIG ANNOUNCEMENT EITHER LATER TODAY OR TOMORROW STAY TUNED FOLKS

finished drawing all the characters for the cams today, playtesting is almost certainly gonna begin tomorrow or the day after!!!

Robbie's + | Devlog 10

will be getting in contact with testers very soon

Cam 1 teaser

someone should revoke my drawing privileges

The Five Nights at Kirby's Character Design Contest

Office gameplay

Just one more hour until the Gameplay Trailer premieres! Come watch it here! (And happy 5th anniversary!)