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We're happy to announce that Forge and Fight! special website is now live! Let's sign up for a newsletter and get exclusive content when early access is ready! We're looking forward to seeing your crazy weapons in action!
We're live! And these guys are just as excited as we are! Now get forging!
Off the the woods to build a legally-not-a-house. Happy easter everyone!
Simple, yet impractical! What are you forging?
When behaviour programming turns out "sort of" correct. Throwback to a cancelled project.
Can highly recommend defining your own Selectables when working with Unity. Here we got radio buttons to be used in a list. Simple and reuseable!
Thoughts, Feedback, or Ideas for Epic Weapon Parts? Join us on Discord and let us know about it!
The color palette used for Passpartout. It got a nice range without giving way too many options. Perfect for an amateur such as myself!
Hurray! Only 7 days to go to the Alpha test! Remember that you need to register here to be eligible for Alpha testing! more info here:
Doing some networky tests to see if it's possible to do prediction on chained physics objects. Seems somewhat promising if you set a fairly decent standard on the connection.