Hurray! Only 7 days to go to the Alpha test! Remember that you need to register here to be eligible for Alpha testing! more info here: https://t.co/6HLMCO3RZy?amp=1
Next up
It's time for a new developer blog! In this one, we're talking about our weapon philosophy for Forge and Fight!
Read it here ➡️ https://bit.ly/FnFBlog1
I call this a... moderate success! What's your high score?
My emergency tactic had... mixed results. Thanks for playing!
Hello everyone! We'd love to share how we are developing our latest game, Forge and Fight! The first devlog will start with our intro and a little bit about prototyping of Forge and Fight. 🛠 https://www.forgeandfight.com/?p=3223
"What does the minigun say?"
That's right! This week's Devlog goes into detail about the minigun and the lore behind it!
Feast your eyes and read more here: http://bit.ly/WhatDoestheMinigunSay
Tadaaaa! Forge and Fight! moves into full release today Fire up the forge and prepare for battle! Free Weekend: 2nd to 6th December! Now the only thing you need to do is forge your weapon and kick some ass! Get it now> http://bit.ly/FnFSteam
It's time to pick up your bricks and give your foes a good ol' whack!
Read more about the weapon here > http://bit.ly/ThiccBrick
Simple, yet impractical! What are you forging?
We're live! And these guys are just as excited as we are! Now get forging!
Hellooo Blacksmiths!
We using all the power we can to bring you the most shocking content we can in this week's Dev Log!
Behold - The Tesla Zapper!
Read about it here > https://bit.ly/TeslaZapper