I decided to release my own wikia for the project, so for the most part the information will be included in it.
wiki --> https://github.com/localhost-four/Netmy/wiki
And, also if you have problems with installation, etc.:
issues --> https://github.com/staffuser/Netmy/issues
Next up
It's time to make the bed
<:Test sample:>
Notepad on version 1.9V (still being finalized, but you can install it)
What will change in the near future? -A "hash" system will be added to save the data. -Hosting settings can be edited using configuration files. -By pressing "ctrl+F" , additional functions can be used. -The approximate server update time is 2.8 seconds.
We have opened an anonymous chat for everyone!
Git users:
Today I decided to try to do something unusual. I decided to draw a profile page, purely for develop.
About the difference between the application and the site.
/ Fentanyl
He was able to say "MEOW"