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33 Members

Comments (27)

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How do I fix this? I really want to try out the program but I get this pop-up when I run it.


The service works if you go to the "Find server" tab and can connect to it.

I even manage to get an answer pretty quickly!




NetMy: Airdrop

Version: 0.1.07 months ago

NetMy: WEB

Version: 0.1.08 months ago


Version: 0.1.511 months ago
This version is slightly upgraded and can connect to proxy servers


Version: 0.1.212 months ago
The installer of the program on your computer and additional software

Game Soundtrack

2 songs


Redo | Network | Scan | Device | Tools

Fan-made build of software for operation has been removed with the ability to automatically scan nearby devices for the ability to connect to them, as well as track updates.

Attention: This idea is an improvement of the official old software with possible modifications and improvements.

Visit our page WIKI:

Please report problems or try the trial version:

To be honest, Microsoft software is officially outdated in technology and therefore why not release a remake of this project?

So I decided to release a slightly modified version that works as intended.

If you find a bug in the program or it doesn’t work for you, you can write on the project page itself or here.

If you have any suggestions for improving the design, you can also contact us.

How is NETMY different from others?

  1. You can create online hosting services if none exist.

  2. You can find your online hosting online by its name.

  3. You can invite a friend to the network if it is open.

  4. All messages are encrypted and recorded in files.

  5. You can connect to online hosting using an IP .

  6. You can find out information about the server.

  7. The ability to remotely shut down the server.

  8. You can change the text size to suit you.

  9. Come up with your own nickname.

  10. Completely transparent interface.

  11. Support for various technologies.

  12. Add website to notepad by Url.

  13. Change the color of objects.

  14. Create your own style.

  15. large text supported.

  16. Get a unique tokens.

  17. Get a unique prefix.

  18. You can use emoji.

Why is there 1 and 2 version?

  1. The second part you will get more technologies supported by your device.

  2. The main part does not load the project as much as the second.

  • NETMY is primarily an editor

    It works on devices running the Windows operating system and above.

    short name: trunk


#other #action #multiplayer


I decided to release my own wikia for the project, so for the most part the information will be included in it.
wiki -->

And, also if you have problems with installation, etc.:
issues -->

I decided to try to create a NET notepad.

[+] Airdrop function will appear, it will help transfer data.

(It finds open ports on its own and sends information)

Mouse control to configure the website (Beta)
Currently being reworked for better results.
Second slide - portatype

Today I decided to try to do something unusual.
I decided to draw a profile page, purely for develop.

We have opened an anonymous chat for everyone!