I drew this in math class
(this is a teaser for something)
Next up
behold my creations
I started a new YT series playing the desolate hope on a livesteam, 2 episodes already out!!! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgtUjeuVmrSW9xPgkfSYuUNy5bh1v…
fnaf is canon in the gelfey universe now
NEW COMIC! "the fan"
ALSO AVAILABLE ON MY WEBSITE! that meeaaans, IT'S CANON! have fun theorizing if anyone even is theorizing, there is only 1 canon comic but meh.
also tell me your opinion of the comic in the comments :)
check out a segment of my epic graduation speech (it's translated from Indonesian)
Hello! I’m working on a game in gamemaker studio. I found that when I put my object into the frame, it turns into… that. I wanted to know if anyone knows how to fix this problem. If you do know, please tell me in the comments :))
Thanks, Bye.
i was in mexico and losing my mind so i made a random comic called the book
Sneak peaks
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