11 months ago

I got a Twitter, link in my bio



Next up

Funny thing just happened

Important research! To make a murder mystery, one must play more than one murder mystery!

I finished the first chapter of the romcom! It's coming out Valentine's day on Wattpad, Honeyfeed, and Webnovel. Be sure to check it out!

We've added animation for a little side quest.

I don't think I've put more time into any other activity than RPG Maker

It’s time to kick off the Live Wallpaper Jam 🎉 but first... we need the theme!

So the theme is... 'UNLEASH'

You’ve got until May 2nd 👏 Good luck!!

🔗 https://store.gx.me/events/live-wallpaper/

Been messing around and made this. Title explains it, do I have something good here?


Added display numbers to show damage dealt/taken in Chaosector, these values also change appearance depending on how large the values are!

This exactly how my brain works when I'm trying to sleep (Warning LOUD)