I got an email from ConcernedApe so now I can publish this fan made game project after it's done
I will add fishing to the game
Now you have to find the golden scroll in the mine and you need to go back to the wizard tower.
In the wizard tower you can get better ability and spells
I added the wizard interior and the wizard npc
and a little effect when you getting the ability to break different stone. I hope you guys like it
A little update
When you bring back the bracelet you will get 130gold as a reward
-After you collected the 40 fish now you can get your treasure chest and you can go further in the mine
I made a little intro video for this fanmade game
The music is from Studio Baku
Lost items found in the mine should be returned here
I will add a cool arcade game where you can find NPCs like Haley,Emily,Lewis and more, who will help you fight the enemies
I added a new enemy
-I added fishing to the game
#action #adventure #fangame #other