Nightmare At Barksters
3 months ago

I have been foolish read article

I have been acting like nightmares at barksters was actually in development but it's actually just a Consept with one 3D model so say this game is on pause so I can actually come up with the whole game . There will still be art but not much posts on the gamepage.

Written by Connor



Next up

Listen the fatz yall

Me writing Barksters

Y'all silly gooses probably forgot I'm on this team but I am šŸ¤­

Iā€™m just a gal who likes masks! Iā€™m Two Masks Studios!

I had to draw popgoes shadow and sorry about the shoes thoes are the first time i have drawn them!

Update on the model

I am the ultimate weasel

Nightmares at Barkster nah man here we got Dreams at Woofers

Found this at 5 and below

Y'all might be disappointed but I'm obsessed with slipknot šŸ¤­