2 years ago

I have been going down a rabbit hole to find a song featured in a meme for over a year, and I've hit a dead end. I need some help. My search through some really bizarre stuff on my quest to find this song is described in this article.

Two years ago I saw a meme posted by user @NeoFreshSans . It features a MeatCanyon video featuring an animated James Cordon dancing to a FNaF remix. The song seems to have some vocals at the start before turning into random jumpscare noises from the first and second FNaF games.

https://gamejolt.com/p/fnaf-2veuesnz is the post in question.

I thought it was so funny that I decided to set it as my profile's listed website, where it has been for over a year. I also decided to search for the song. Big mistake.

My first stop was to just search for FNaF songs. I searched for "FNaF 1 Song," "Five Nights at Freddy's Song," "FNaF Trap Remix," "FNaF Jumpscare Remix," and basically every search term that I could apply to the song to no avail.

My next stop was the MeatCanyon video featured. Easy enough to find.


It was pretty obvious that the meme was an edit, but I decided to check it anyway. However, when I got to the part where the song would have played, there was no audio. As it turns out, the part was copyright claimed and the video was actually temporarily taken down. During this time, some brave user named Jesus Christ decided to reupload a shitty screen recording of the video to Youtube:


This was still to no avail, as the part that was edited out did not (quite obviously to be fair) feature the song; instead featuring a copyrighted track. Dead end number one.

A few days later, I had an idea. I have this app on my phone called Shazam. It works by using your microphone to listen for a song, and pulls up the song you played for you to listen to.

Thinking I had finally found a solution to this search, I tried the app by blaring my headphones at max volume into my phone's mic, and it came up with this:


I THOUGHT I had found it, and there is a link to a music video right there, as well as a Spotify link at the bottom. The Youtube video, as you may expect from that thumbnail, is completely unrelated to the song. There were some other users also on the search I found by looking in the comments:


This is the entire comments section.

However user in these comments pointed out it may be on Soundcloud. While I personally use Soundcloud instead of Spotify, some digging around on the platform lead to no avail as I just found countless reuploaded songs. As the user mentions, It's probably buried deep if it even is on Soundcloud in the first place. Another user is talking to a seemingly deleted comment saying that they linked it. I have no idea what this is referring to, so I looked elsewhere.

Next up the Spotify link. As I mentioned earlier, I do not use Spotify and instead use Soundcloud. I don't even have a Spotify account to listen to the song, but before I talk about what happened after let's look at the song's page.


We see an album cover with the name Atharavaj Corporations on it. While it also says the song is 3 minutes and 45 seconds long, it doesn't leave us with much information.


The profile associated with it is barren as well. There is no description, and the playlist listed has a few songs that show the Brand's name but nothing related to this FNaF remix. Just for good measure, I applied AtharavRaj Corporations to my previous searches, but no avail. Searching for the brand itself didn't show many results either. Nothing useful here

Anyways, a good friend of mine helped me out by downloading the MP3 of this song and sending it to me. Unfortunately, the song was just a reupload of Bringing us Home, a popular song by TryHardNinja. NOT the song in question.


This is where I am now. All my progress thus far has been for nothing and I am practically out of options. If anyone has info on this stupidly hard to find song, please reply to this post.



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