Lost Location Custom Night
2 months ago

I have released LLCN for android!!!



Next up Lost Location Custom Night - Out Now! I made CN version of my game Lost Location, which introduces better mechanics, and heavily reduces RNG

New Lost Location Custom Night update :) Fixed a few bugs and added a new convenient feature, thanks to the suggestion of @TheLastOofer

Chica should be fairer now in terms of sound cues

Welcome to the UNBEATEN FNaF game of Post shift custom night, in this video I beat 22/20 mode Which is the highest amount that anyone has done Now I will try and see how far this game can go before it becomes impossible or possible…

just minor tweaks

We have arrived at a BIG checkpoint of reaching 5000 points in the IMPOSSIBLE GAME Reaching 5000 points was my original goal with the game but now that I am here I feel like we can go EVEN further and try to fight towards 30/20…

New update :3 doesnt change much. If the game wouldn't load before, please try again on the new version, since I switched renderer and it should now work on older machines

Small new Lost Location Custom Night Update

We are back with the IMPOSSIBLE game of post shift custom night, this time I have been able to beat 23/20 mode. I added another heavy camera threat camera into the night that I explain his mechanic within the video…

Final FNaF: Lost Location update (Windows only for now)