Cube Attacks OLD (Finally fixed the name of the game)
4 years ago

i heard some one made a gameplay of my game but i lost the notification and can't find on youtube if you found or are the guy who sended the youtube video send the link or the video again Thx



Next up

"No Release date yet....."

Changed the shooting sound

each gun will now have its own shooting sound

and it's no those beep sounds anymore

and yes frame rate and fps again

Preview of the new sprites.

Also the reloading has been deleted from the game as it wasn't fun

Double HandGun And Revolver Reload

The face of some one angry for death

Posted the wrong gif now heres the right one

Reload for the legacy pistol

Who needs windows 11 and their centered task bar when i can do this on windows 7

after 1 week of suffering with world 2 and the boss fight for it i p ranked and completed all the chef tasks for world 2

Some testing