3 months ago

I just had a straight up conversation with my cat

She just went ‘Chirp’

And I said ‘meow’

And she said ‘chirp’

And I said ‘meow’

And she said ‘chirp chirp’

I am totally a professional cat whisperer



Next up

Took these tests twice got the same results 😭

(I am not self diagnosing myself, simply taking a test for the fun of it :3)

Having a tea party with my polar bear, Hamter

aaaaaaaaaa my artblock is gone!!!! Finally X3

Heres a quick piece i made based off of Kikuo's song Good Kid and a Fox Spirit <3

Happy Pride Month!!!!

oh yeah I made this for Hatsune Miku's birthday

Happy pride month you guys !!

Ill make some art later!! :D

Alright fine I’m doing this I’m bored.

Fanart for @PinkyInky :3

sorry its not the best, im tired :,Dc


Leaning tower of pizza is my favorite monument