2 years ago


i want to thank EVERYONE who is following me
6 years ago this was a fever dream i NEVER thought id get this many people to like my content 6 years later im here now on gamejolt with 1k followers

6 years ago i joined gamejolt just to download and follow fnaf fan games I've been on the internet since 2011/2012 playing games on the xbox relaxing on games like minecraft and playing games like halo TF2 etc.

VALVe is the first game development studio to actually get me into game development so i want to give a special thanks to gaben i know I'm not a BIG youtuber or game developer but i wanted to give a thanks anyway i know he isn't reading this at all though

the Nexus Direct will be happening in the next few hours i just need a little bit of time to prep as i wasn't actually expecting to make it here so shortly after announcing it

i want to give a big thanks to my friends on gamejolt too

@VivaCiau very funny guy makes me laugh quite a lot
@TheMimic1983 one of my best friends met them about a year and a half ago and has stuck with me all the way to today
@CreeperGalastic another one of my friends who I've had fun playing games with they also helped me get through SB RUIN
@KOMIIWORLDGAMES a great friend who has always been there when i need help
@geo-i-guess i may have not talked to them in a while but i sure as hell remember them one of my best friends and id love to be able to chat to them again at some point
@A_H_H_O_G_J they may have left gamejolt or something idk but they are another one of my friends that i hold dear to my heart

and again id like to give a big thanks to ALL OF YOU!
you guys made this day happen you guys have helped me achieve this.

i hope you all tune in to the 1k special stream/Nexus direct that will happen soon

while im chatting here i might as well give a huge thanks to the youtubers who inspired me to create content for entertaining people on the internet!

Markiplier - I watched his first fnaf video when it came out and it gave me enjoyment and inspired me to make fnaf fan games (i no longer do this sadly)

Matpat - funny game theorist what else can i say

Funke - great old tf2 content youtuber his tf2 content made my day back then

STAR - another old tf2 content creator that made me enjoy and helped me see that TF2 is still a great game to this day

PassionateAboutPonies - a content creator that is also my friend they inspired me and gave me the motivation to stream again

SMG4 - Inspired me to create more content

LowSpecGamer - helped me see that even if you have a low end pc you can play awesome games

MediExcalibur2012 - another funny tf2 content creator

MrRoflWaffles - a call of duty youtuber who i used to watch when i was playing black ops 2 with my friends

Peter Knetter - made me laugh when i was down

Moist Critikal - also made me laugh when i was down and made awesome content!

Piemations - Big part of my childhood made great animations

Mandopony - While Being a terrible person i cant help the fact that hes a part of my childhood and his music filled me with joy

Sawtooth Waves - again a terrible person but his content also filled me with joy and i cant change that

TheLivingtombStone - Awesome music

WoodenToaster - his pony music made me happy when listening to it

Eurobeat Pony - i also enjoyed this guys music

PopularMMOs - great minecraft youtuber

dantdm - another minecraft content creator i enjoyed

Ripped Robby - Funny mod menu trolling on bo2

Rooster Teeth Animation - Red Vs blue

Theres too many to count so i must say Thank you to the rest i wasnt able to say in this post

i hope you call continue to follow me through all the way

I will continue to make content. i promise!



Next up

working on the website.

peak black ops 2, the cut DLC 5.

Bruh i feel stupid i had to relearn how to rig in blender

Update on my life/page and stuff TRIGGER WARNING: this talks a lot about mental health and getting the support needed. As always this was unscripted so the mental health chat was what popped in my head

https://www.twitch.tv/octolingnexus https://discord.gg/tk5w9wxnFn

we NEVER leaked his address. What fucking shit are you making up with. ive already stated that wasnt us. in addition our retaliation was not too extreme, We reported him due to harassing our fucking friend. being wayy to underage on the platform

this is an actual thing i can do un ultra moon???!?!

instead of idk doing fucking moderation we get a whole New UI update. wow!

happy valentines day (art i made for me and my partner)