Fart 2 Two - Birth by Sleep DEMO

1 year ago

i kind of alluded to this in the change log but i decided to completely overhaul the b-mix skill into its own thing, each character will have purchasable skills and can equip up to two of them at a time and use them whenever!! wow!!



Next up

april FOOLS there is no april fools joke get double april fooled fool

i feel like i should probably post something since i haven't in a while but i can't without spoiling anything so heres an entire spritesheet consisting of only patrick's house

so erm.. to whom it may concern,, we're kinda burnt out on the 9/10 game tradition so we probably wont do it anymore... i forgot to say that before 9/10 sorry :( i prefer not to show off stuff because plans may change but heres someone that may get used

as compensation for not having anything for april fools heres a photo dojo character for 21 kid (as seen in fart 21 solo remix) scan it or die!

fart idea channel funny moments

new fart 2 quest for anmal cracker hotfix: i have hired sackboy to explain it to you

evolution of the modern day farters

guys i think niko is next im sorry im not sure what i've done to deserve this