7 months ago

I know I am a bit late but

i just found out that on Nov 15th

it was Bendy and the dark revival's birthday!

i sadly forgot about it and i couldnt make an sfm poster sadly

so i made this image instead....

sooo uhhh

Happy Birthday Dark Revival!



Next up


There is a new bendy movie! (Real Not Fake!!!)

I am excited rn omg!!!

let me know what you guys think about this information!

i took these two photos while i was play BATIM

What do you think?

bendy I think

Thank You Guys For 1K Views on the bendy news video!!

Thank you for watching my video!!!

The ink demon is acting like a brother !

Ok So i have made 2 BATIM Posters it took me a little while but i got it done!

What do you Guys Think?

Which one is your Favorite?

why is it taking so long? (project update!)

[read artical]

so i tried to recreate the bendy log and this is what i have done what do you think?

i give it a 8 out of 10

but again i would like to hear your opinions

First image is my recreation

second image is the original