Pink Oddities: Rebooted

3 days ago

I know I said this would be the final design, but I couldn't help myself.

(Develog 2)

Not much has been done with Pink so far, only scrolling has been made last month, now I have two things to say for this quick small update, to start...

Is this Pink V5?

I know I stated that V4 would be the last version, but this isn't V5, think of this as V4.5, what I essentially wanted Pink to look like for V4.

Infact, Pink V4.5 was inspired by Oblitus Casa in a way (Stylewise, she was inspired by Gen 2 Red), she was designed after watching someones retrospective of all official FNaTI media, watch the video here.

Now, onto the next thing.

Making the move to Blender 4.3.2?

For a very long time, ever since PO:RBT's 1st anniversary, I've been thinking about moving the Blender version from 2.79 to 4.3.2 to be more modern and consistent with my games (Same thing going with me moving from C4D to Full Blender).

What do you think of this?

Do I make the move to 4.3.2 or should I stick to 2.79? Let me know in the comments.

So that's that, A demo is still releasing this month so look out for the announcement reveal post, trust me it'll be worth the wait.

Thanks for taking the time to read this small develog, can't wait to show you what's in store!



Next up

An old project I was working on relating to Pink Oddities.

I'm dedicating February to working on Pink.


Dark Red!

Model by @Jamie_Rathmor1233

Tumor: The Sequel.


The (hopefully) FINAL model for Pink!

Model by @Jamie_Rathmor1233

makes v5 1 year later

My fanmade FNaTI Shade designs as of 2/4/2025! (Details in article)

The Trio - Retextured and Edited!

Retextures and edits by @Jamie_Rathmor1233

Here's Cobalt 4 DAYS after he was supposed to be revealed.

The Teeth Monster

A gift for @Timme29

Coming sometime soon in 2025.

(I'm still cooking the first game, dw gang)