Share your Oddity!

Jake's TRUE nightmare before Disney . . .
animation by @Squidkid14023
N.MickMick model by @Squidkid14023 n me
N.PNM model by me

There is no fear, For it won't be tolerated. Teaser

"Oh. Visitors. . ."

The Twisted(AKA Black Oddities)

Intimidating middle aged shadow rat DILF(dont ask please...)
2nd render by @Squidkid14023

also finally new fnati oc by me-

FEUR 2.1.0 Devlog 4/14/2024

Welcome to The Oddities Community!


  • This is NOT an official community

The Oddities Saga was created by Radiance Team (@Nocturnum , @Peyton and @Jackwald ) and used to be part of the story and lore of FNaTI. now it's uncanon. it was rough with this saga but, it got revived thanks to ''Oblitus Casa'', FNaTI's OFFICIAL sequel.

The Rules:

Don't Spam

Don't be Toxic

Don't be Mean

Have Fun!

Report A community for about 1 year