Jamie's: Phase 1
6 months ago

I lost all of the game's progress in the recent ban my main account recieved.

I guess thats it, im sorry.

Nuh uh, for those who don't know: the recent ban encouraged me to become a new me, The Hat Games will begin to make a lot of games this 2024, althought I didn't save anything from this project. Not even the models, I will start from 0 as I did with my account. My new scratch account is called "The-Hat-Games" (pls follow it cuz its very dead). Don't expect to see anything from the old "ALEM363" account for obious reasons.

I have given a lot of news in my account, so check my recent posts. I pinned a 2024 expectation list on my account. I am currently on vacations but I will get back on developnent on january 6. About Jamie's phase 1:

I have a planned partner who will help me with the game's dev. He will be revealed soon.



Next up

If you close your eyes enough......

they look the same


Never have sex with cute anime girls.....

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations

Oh No! I leaked the poster

Thanks for the 50 followers!

We would like to present Frances, the axoloth!

She will have an important rule to the story and the gameplay of this game!

Unused cartoon models. Idk why I tried to make them look furry with the second one.

The promotional images arrived for the gamepage! I WILL EAT TODAY WOOOOOO

Devlog 7

Lurr rizzing

(Def not stolen from my friend)