The Weeg Mod [LEGACY]
2 years ago

I LOVE YOU - ENCORE ...for Weeg Mod v4.0


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Next up

realized i never updated this WHOOPS

4.0 is in development!! hoping for a Q1 2022 release!

3.0. IS. OUT.

go play it go play it go play it yeyeyeyey

weeg mod 3.0 goin good look at all this nonsense zuki's got a better SHIRT

New 17BUCKS GF!!!

YEAHHHH achievements are up and working this is so cool

Weeg Moment? Weeg Moment.

Hereā€™s CHUDnell and Tanya

note that Iā€™ve never drawn CHUDnell before so sorry if it looks bad

Runestones: from concept to in-game modelšŸ—æ

Protege el conocimiento, salva la historia. Guardian of Lore es un platformer 2D en el que debes luchar para mantener viva la memoria de la mitologĆ­a latinoamericana. El juego llegarĆ” a Steam el 18 de mayo: https://steam.pm/app/1211740 #ScreenshotSaturday