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Solara's official currency:
Suns and Lunas.
Suns are the main currency, while Lunas are more symbolic and ritualistic, meant to respect and level of support inside the cult.
Dying Light 2: Volatile Virus, officially release in 11 February in Webnovel.
Draemir, the God of the Sun.
* The prince did obtain the crown, and became the true King.
SCP-9743's Final form, under his name name of Divinity as A'malther.
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.
* The light of a new beginning glows straight to your soul...
* ... You are ready for anything, no matter how bad it goes, your jacket will always remark the most important thing...
* You are filled with DETERMINATION
A new variant changes the game.
New skill trees as Survivor and Be the Zombie, new mechanics, new Lore, new interactions, and, new mutations and variants of Volatiles.
Read for free in WebNovel: http://wbnv.in/a/17ipXcD
Happy new year.
One less year to go, one more year without my Papyrus. 1 minute of silence for him.
This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Super Smash Bros.! Accept the quest to get started.
A truth behind the future of "SCP: A TRUE ANOMALY"