It's so surreal to me that this day has come. Today marks officially 10 years since I started my Game Jolt account.
In some ways, I honestly don't know what to say. It's crazy that this has been something I've spent a majority of my life doing. I started doing fangames when I was 11 years old, and I just turned 21 a couple months ago.
I started doing fangames for fun back around February 2015. At that time, I was just a kid playing TF2 with a friend of mine and around August 2014 they told me about FNaF when we were playing on a trade server. I never thought that series would in some way change the scope of my life.
Over the span of my career I've witnessed so much change in my life, a lot of great moments that I am eternally grateful for, and a lot of hardships to come along that way. I've made so many works in general such as Six Horrors, One Endless Night at MLG's, fight night at sans, BLEES CLEES, you name something and I probably made it. I got to work with many different people in this community, some having far greater of an influence than I have and some of them were even my idols.
I've always looked at the perspective of making stuff as just a way to entertain others. I never looked at doing what I do as a job in any way and I just wanted to make something that my friends enjoy, and more importantly the fans. It means a lot to know that my work had resonated with people and for some helped inspire themselves to create their own fangames.
From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you so much for all your support. You all have seriously changed my life and I couldn't be any happier for that. Without you, I wouldn't have been doing this for as long as I have been and whether or not you're a newcomer, or someone who's been with me since the very beginning, I am eternally grateful.
I want to take an additional opportunity to thank the people who have helped make all of this possible as I never did all of this alone, and it would be selfish to not do so.
Firstly I'd like to thank my team over at @Spinature which are @Nomok
, @ivannugget
and @MewMarissa
. They have been some of the most funniest and most talented people I've ever met in the fangame community, and have helped so much in terms of the work I've made within the past 5 years. I have a lot to thank them for as they've been with me through my lowest points in life and I am so grateful for them.
Secondly, I'd like to thank one of my former collaborative partners @Jayliriah . I've been a fan of their work since Five Nights at Villager's and I'm so glad that we could work together so much during 2016. If it wasn't for them, Six Horrors would've never been possible and I got so much to thank them for. I owe a lot of my early success to her help.
Thirdly, in no real order I also want to thank my various friends who I've met over the years. Which are: @NotARealPerson , @Retired2424
, @danoodle
, @fliz
, @SussLord
, @LeozUniverse
, @oli
, @winsomeless
, @Scribby
, @Jeffunnie
, @nucleic
, @BubyGamer11
, the list goes on and on. Big thanks as well to everyone over at both @LuminanceProductions
and @TheBlackStallions
for everything they've done for me, even if I may not say everyone by name they still mean a lot to help me become the person I am today.
Lastly, I wanna pay my respects to the people who inspired me to do this in the first place. That being @TylerAhlstrom , @Zumb3041
, @Grypo
, @TripleWario
, @RickyG
and @IvanG
. I also wanna give a big thanks to @Irishgod0701
who was also the co-developer for the original MLG's and was the one who introduced me to this series in the first place! None of this would be without you.
I hope the games I've made and the videos I've done continues to resonate with others, much like the stuff I looked up to as a kid. Even if there's a day where I'm not here anymore, I feel at ease knowing I did and accomplished everything I could've wanted to.
Thank you for giving me a voice to express myself. It's been a major honor, and I'd be nothing without you.