5 ROBLOX horror games
Me and the boi's playing 5 roblox horror games we found through a video. We vibin' and hoping to get scared



Next up

Bye Bye


Here's a fun fact project springlock was originally gonna be called "Fredbear's Return" back in 2018, then in 2019 I changed the name to project springlock and stayed like that since then.

I actually managed to finish this piece

@Fredinator fanart :3

Progress is slow at the moment but it's doing well so have this screenshot!

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

We got more progress and we're getting close to finish up the game too!

Old teasers of when the lights go dim back in 2021 that was never shown until now. Looking back at it, it sucks but hey that was my old lighting and at that time I found it cool so yeah

I don't think that's how balloons work