I need help every time I download it it says quote "missing files one or more dll files required by the game have not been found please make sure the game is properly unpacked if one or more dll files are automatically removed by your antivirus software please add an exception and redownload the game" and then it lists a bunch of things called 39dll.dll crypt.dll fmodex.dll GMF MODSimple.dll itempoint.dll joydll.dll PAK_File.dll SDL.dll GMFocus.dll Norton VPN didn't give me any notifications about the download so I have no clue what's going on can you guys please help
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Part 2 of TS underswap Papyrus pre-fight dialog
Guys I have found myself in a predicament I do not have Pokemon Scarlet but yet I absolutely require a scream tail named macaroon please I'll give you whatever you want in return please I'll set up a code in the comments with you if you're up for it
The boy is back
Friendly neighborhood bounty hunter!
Kirby will make you happy~
literally the most hyped game of this year to me this is amazing
Holy mother of God I love him (spoilers by the way lol)
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.
literally my favorite one of characters in Delta rune Superior to spammington and you cannot tell me otherwise! fucking fight me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I do not hate spammed him I do like him but I hate how they took away all the spotlight from my)