7 months ago

i'm undecided on the intervals between when i post these but they'll randomly get sent, anyway here's FellNegative as i felt i should send that after its reversed counterpart (yeah i use that weird FellSwap-SwapFell rule thing)

FellNegative -

rather than being focused on strength, the underground becomes focused on wealth

almost everyone attempts to look as posh as possible, though some monsters don't care (prime example being sans)

in this AU, sans purposefully wears poor clothing to avoid being robbed or being a target, and also because the poor are more inclined to have humour in his opinion due to having less of a focus on seeming posh or wealthy

due to sans' outfit and behaviour most monsters assume him and PAPYRUS to only be related by being skeletons, with those knowing of them being brothers potentially suspecting sans of being a spy for the rich to make sure no uprisings get planned by the poor, backing this theory up with his "shortcuts"

the rich generally do whatever they want, feeling free to take anything from and do anything to the poor should they want to do so

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Next up

i thought it'd be a good idea to go into detail on all the AU combinations i create, so i'm going to start sending their massive chunks of text to show how crazy i can go into them sometimes- starting with NegativeFell

so i'm starting to do digital drawing as well as pixel art, and one of the first sanses i do is Dust

i had a strange dream last night that was kind of about a sort of AU community of sanses, me also being a sans, and the 2 unique sanses i remember the most i've decided to do pixel art of here. feel free to ask anything i guess in the comments


decided to add more to the 2 dream-created sanses i posted a couple days ago, and i decided to name them Diamond and Hepossel.

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

so i spent the majority of today remaking these. in here are duo combinations of the AUs of the Murder Time Trio how i'd do them, with my starting out skills at the very top and very bottom of the image, and newest in the middle

i made some stupid trio called the Decayed Minds Trio

Happy father's day

Judge Time moment but i made the designs slightly more distinguishable and canon to the sanses