7 months ago

i thought it'd be a good idea to go into detail on all the AU combinations i create, so i'm going to start sending their massive chunks of text to show how crazy i can go into them sometimes- starting with NegativeFell

NegativeFell -

Chara hesitates too long to finish off the final weak monster, causing an uproar among the monsters

when Asgore goes to take the trident from Chara's hands, they panic and quickly turn towards Asgore, impaling him with his trident

panicking even more, Chara begins to flee the scene as the king in shock begins to dust

a couple days pass with monsters debating what will happen, a mix of anger and fear towards Chara due to these events

Asriel goes out to hunt Chara himself, while Toriel is conflicted on what to do

Chara explains their perspective to Asriel upon being found, causing Asriel to become conflicted

Asriel takes Chara back to the castle, to get Toriel to decide on what to do

Toriel, disliking the idea of starting combat with a human strong enough to take down the king, decides to allow Chara to live at the castle

Chara manages to convince Toriel to instil a replacement for how the festival runs, changing it to a display of the strongest monsters' capabilities

additionally, Chara manages to get a law in place where weak monsters are helped to become stronger and tap into their true potential

while many monsters dislike this, they go along with it out of fear of what could happen to themselves if they angered a human

as for the weak monsters, Chara likes to visit them to see how they're doing in their training and to make sure they're ok, also defending them from bullies

seeing how much Chara is helping monsters gain strength, Toriel decides to change the goals of monsters

instead of becoming strong to kill all humans, they're becoming strong to help humans when they finally escape due to how strong humans also are

Chara often gets challenged by strong monsters, who ultimately fail, but get spared by Chara with the excuse of them having great potential for strength

in this AU, sans is still lazy and doesn't care about becoming strong, however his abuse of loopholes in battles are seen by others and encouraged

a few other monsters decide to attempt to imitate sans' battle cheats, while some others get irritated by how "disrespectful" they are to use



Next up

i made some stupid trio called the Decayed Minds Trio

decided to add more to the 2 dream-created sanses i posted a couple days ago, and i decided to name them Diamond and Hepossel.

have you ever imagined a world, where you don't exist at all, yet everything stays the same? also i'm sending this because i see way too much sans focus in this community - of which i am also guilty of


added stacks and Aftertale to the mix

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

Judge Time moment but i made the designs slightly more distinguishable and canon to the sanses

i had a strange dream last night that was kind of about a sort of AU community of sanses, me also being a sans, and the 2 unique sanses i remember the most i've decided to do pixel art of here. feel free to ask anything i guess in the comments

Happy father's day

added a guide, Underfell and Outertale currently got a bit of a block though, can't think of any stories for them or designs right now