3 years ago

I made some custom flags in Minecraft! I hope you like it... The commands to get the flags are below in the article ;)

Trans Flag: /give @p minecraft:white_banner{BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Color:6,Pattern:"gru"},{Color:6,Pattern:"gra"},{Color:0,Pattern:"cs"},{Color:3,Pattern:"bo"}]}}

Gay Flag: /give @p minecraft:lime_banner{BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Color:4,Pattern:"hh"},{Color:1,Pattern:"ts"},{Color:11,Pattern:"bs"},{Color:14,Pattern:"tts"},{Color:2,Pattern:"bts"}]}}

Bisexual Flag: /give @p minecraft:purple_banner{BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Color:11,Pattern:"ls"},{Color:6,Pattern:"rs"}]}}

Pansexual Flag: /give @p minecraft:yellow_banner{BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Color:3,Pattern:"ls"},{Color:6,Pattern:"rs"}]}}

Non-Binary Flag: /give @p minecraft:purple_banner{BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Color:0,Pattern:"vh"},{Color:4,Pattern:"ls"},{Color:15,Pattern:"rs"}]}}

Lesbian Flag: /give @p minecraft:white_banner{BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Color:6,Pattern:"vh"},{Color:2,Pattern:"ls"},{Color:1,Pattern:"rs"},{Color:14,Pattern:"bo"}]}}

Asexual Flag: /give @p minecraft:white_banner{BlockEntityTag:{Patterns:[{Color:8,Pattern:"vh"},{Color:15,Pattern:"ls"},{Color:10,Pattern:"rs"}]}}



Next up

I need someone who can and has the skills to help me with 3D modeling (and maybe animation) for a test project. Anyone interested?

Ladies and gentlemen... I'm freaking out-

Toy Bonnie facing the Party Room 4 security camera - W.I.P animation What do you think?

Happy 12th Anniversary, Minecraft!

The game's first full release was Nov. 18, 2011.

We're celebrating this landmark anniversary by giving out copies of Minecraft: The Official Pop-Up from our friends at @InsightEditions !

Read the article for more info!

Meanwhile, in a parallel universe...

Did you know cupcakes can be square? I made lots of minecraft toppers that, while simple, I think came out good!

Musical Challenge: Create the Melody and Vocal Harmonies for My Song!

I was playing FNaF World and while I was playing Chica's Magic Rainbow I kind of got stressed and... I threw my keyboard against the wall 😶

In the end, I had to pay for another- #LittleMissMe

Minecraft's 15th anniversary is this Friday! 🤯

Quests celebrating the iconic game will pop into your quest log on Friday, so get ready to celebrate!

Guess who's back?