>Dormitabis: Origins_

2 months ago

I might takeover texture work as thanks to Owne's old work, i now know how to do textures better.

Example: When i made this animation, i used a very basic format, meanwhile the screenshot uses Owne's format for the same textures i used.

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Next up

I was bored so i animated something with the greafness model i use for goofing around with.

The amount of times i’ve seen a child-ish fucking Blackout pop up is enough for me to say that’s not a real person.

Moving forward, i’ll be ignoring the community’s drama, events, and most of those old devs.

Stay safe and see you in the crawlspace…

- Nixo

A random fan, making their own Dormitabis game (@NightmareralDev ), is being mass reported for no reason. I could understand it if there was a bad person or so on happening, but a random dev who just wants to make their own fan game? Seriously, dude?


Calling for devs (This is probably the 10th time i've done this for Penumbra Studios as a whole)

Port requested by: @Super_Massacre_Guy_69 Model: @Owni (Yeah, this is not a Greafness port) Textures: @Whiteout2191 The endo & wire textures are finalized, i'll be using them for Origins, i'll keep the suit textures unique for the havocs though.

When "THE END" isn't always the good ending...

Help wanted for a cancelled classic!

(Image is just my shitty modelling skills, but you can see what it looks like).

Had some fun with Porting and Animating Greafness' Soulcage model. Port requested by: @Super_Massacre_Guy_69 Model owner: @Greafness Port and animation: @Whiteout2191 He comes with some ghoul grippers, but i didn't want them in the gif and image.


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-