Underswap: REVIVAL
4 years ago

I really hate how a rejuvenation clone is one of my most played games, but I know so many people are waiting for the full game.

SO I may be bringing it back fully rebooted, new sprites, dialogue, everything, except made in GameMaker Studio 2.

I'm working on a battle engine in gms2, so when that's finished I will more than likely start working on this. I know it's been a while, but trust me, it'll be worth it.

Thanks for all your support, have a nice rest of your day :)

(I removed the OST, but the songs Mweh Heh Heh!, Patience, and Reanimation will probably be used in the final. Probably)



Next up

Apparently people like hacking games.

(This is both a reference to the original REJUVENATION and UNDERTALE)


devlog for my disbelief recreation

turbowarp sprite folders are really useful.

not even joking it cleans things up so much, especially if you use a lot of sprites.

followup post because why not

Devlog 11/11

for no reason in particular I made the cursor sprite of my gms2 engine the dummy and started laughing hysterically when I ran the game

I did it. After 7 years, I finally 100%'ed LEGO Batman the Videogame

WHOAHASU Video footage of menu coming soon