3 years ago
I somehow ended up being the third person to complete the Five Nights at Roblox 2 max mode. I don't know how I did it, but I did.
Next up
@worldtrademark Yey! :D
I did it! :D
Nice one, Radiance.
Rat Race Production Update
I beat Emily Wants To Play today and I never want to go back to the game again. Which is a lie because I'm trying to get the last achievement which forces me to go back and beat it again. "Fun."
EDIT: I got the last achievement: https://gamejolt.com/p/i-did-it-d-r7xdziqp
I know it's display names, but this is the greatest coincidence ever.
I beat the TTLA Act 1 max mode. It took forever. (sorry for one of the images looking weird, I didn't alter anything and that ended up happening.)