Velcro (C64)
7 years ago

I survived #bitbitjam4

I was planning to attend bitbitjam4 for a long time. I was already determined to make a C64 game, like in last year, again. Before the topic was announced I was dreaming of making a simulation game, probably with historical background if the the theme would allow it.
Then the theme was announced: “Velcro sheep” and a restriction “one button”. To be honest, I was thinking of letting it go, since I could not think of a single idea that would address the topic in a meaningful way and allow me to make a game that I would like. So I did nothing for 4 days, but the contest did not get off my mind. Finally, I had an idea of a dog that gathers sheep by attaching them to its velcro-like fur. Well, the idea was there, but there was not much time left to make the assets and to code. And a friend once told me about something like “testing”, never heard about it. Surprisingly, I managed to come up with a game in the end, but I was not able to find time for the sounds or music. Don’t be sad about this, you most likely wouldn’t appreciate my self-made audio anyway.



Next up

Game has now a dog, sheep and snakes

Have a good Boi

"Our work is never over" they said.



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Microsoft Windows XP Unprofessional (windows logo prototype)

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