DELTARUNE: Prophecy Retold (An Undertale/Deltarune Fangame)

26 days ago

i tend to focus on unimportant stuff

discord rich presence stuff.. i should really focus on the game itself

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they are here

* Something new.

very early battle system for the engine

A small progress with the bullets, made by our partner / member: @TeamByMyself ( programmer)

Valor from UT: Brave Beginnings (Both designs)

This is a Sick remix of Rude Buster!

recreating the chapter 1 menu for fun, will probably finish later

in this game you can pet dogs when your file is corrupted (ignore the double bark its a recording glitch) my best cover probs ever, i would greatly appreciate a listen!

weird deltarune reimagining joke art from 2023 (idk man)