Among Us Minigames
4 years ago

I uploaded the first release of the game! In the article you can read what will you see in the game and what i added in the release

At first, i fixed the bug with millions of whites.


I mean this bug :)

Now walls are bulletproof

I've added HP


At the start you have 200 HP

  • Blue hits -1 HP

  • Pink hits -2 HP

  • Green hits -3 HP

  • Black hits -4 HP

  • Yellow hits -5 HP

But you can regenerate your HP with a MEDECINE KIT! :)


Medecine kit gives +4 HP

You can find them in the map, or just wait at the start place (every minute there spawns 1 medecine kit)

Have Fun! :)




Next up

A new screen

so yeah, now you can "install" (no) Windows Anch (This isnt a real installer, just a joke)

When i was testing a new boss... Hmm.. The game made this..

Installing Windows Anch V3...

game mockup where u collect chickens (its windy)

I've published a version with this bug cuz it's funny :D

Have you played the Rose & Locket demo yet? It's always good to hear people's thoughts on the game so far


Some players can misunderstand how to play, so i've decided to make a new page. Now you can know how to play :D

So yeah, now you can change the minecraft version :) im trying to recode all as fast as i can :3

What’s that, lurking in the dark? Looks quite scary and it’s not even its FINAL FORM! 😱

Slightly tainted animals in First Dwarf can be healed, if you wish to help them… but there is also one more, less peaceful solution…

A little spoiler to a next snapshot :3