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You can stream "Song for Pessimists" on all music platforms, or buy it on Bandcamp here:
This is how life feels these days. Stream "Song for Pessimists" wherever you get your music, or buy it here:
"A Plumber for All Seasons" is a pretty incredible SMW Rom Hack that apparently took 9 years to make?? Love the art design and music but most importantly - it's actually fun to play! Here's a little clip from last weekend's stream.
@WiseDrums is a Jolter to Watch! He posts videos and livestreams where he plays the drums along to video game music! Follow him before the quest ends on January 21 and you'll get Coins!
Short clip from our co-stream the other night. Teecurt is my buddy from college - every Tuesday night he's been streaming World of Warcraft while I play keys as the soundtrack to his game. Head on over to to see the whole thing!
@danno-ezra is a Jolter to Watch and a musician / retro gaming fan who posts original songs, video game covers, and more!! Follow @danno-ezra
before the quest ends on February 11 and you'll get Coins!
A friend of mine got the randomizer for Link to the Past on his emulator and now we know what Rick Sanchez would look like as Link!
Riffs for days
My single "Song for Pessimists" is also available on Apple Music!!!
Check it out:
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