2 days ago




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found this old art @DemoUnreal made

me, @sanko_idiot_sandwich , @DemoUnreal , @alexandrustinaionut and my brother did a collab together with the song Libet's Delay playing in the background.

please rate.

I’m literally done for.

I’m probably going to take a break from gamejolt for a few weeks I’m a fucking bad person.

bye. See you on the flip side.

if you wish to talk to me, discord is byp1ssed

My described apology that isn’t rushed.

how are you feeling today?

Gamejolt Battles Exist now! Read the text in video to understand stuff!

Hey y’all, It’s my best friend demo’s birthday today and I would like you to send him some birthday love (not simping shut up), tell him happy birthday and follow him as he is near to 600!

his account: @DemoUnreal

vs bloxy but better
